
the journal

i've been desperately seeking out the perfect journal to begin my 2013 writing frenzy .. a fresh start! as i searched this afternoon, to no avail, i realized i already had the exact journal i was searching for. found during a similar frantic frenzy  back in 2005 at barnes and nobal. it had to be leather, black, not too big, not too small... refillable, it must be of quality to stand the test of time.

i found it funny as i read through this fabulous journal that it spanned over 7 years, now extending 8!!! not to last long since it's almost filled full of "brandiruth"... not that i haven't journaled through this span of 8. yes i have... in other more frivolous pen to paper tools... it's just that this one runs from a deeper well. one that i've only wanted to dip into from time to wonderful and sometimes painful time.

i'm not sure where my journaling this year will lead. but i'm ready to head there. i'm looking forward to our conversation... modern technology be dammed!
i've missed  you my familiar friend...



Kimberly said...

Happy journaling to you my friend. I'm with you ... nothing like pen & paper to write down your thoughts. Love ya!

Brandi said...

hi Kim!!! thank you friend... mucho love