
Heart of the Artist

Ch 8
Leading Artists:
I’ve served under many different temperaments of leaders of worship…from being traumatized by a leader who banged on his piano keys as hard as he could while throwing a fit and yelling at the top of his lungs in frustration…to another with sarcasm that cut so deeply I’m sure people are still licking their wounds…to the non confrontational leader who knows the whole group is suffering because a cancer is growing in the group and cant find the courage to speak up...leaders that have helped shape my gifts, empowered me and encouraged me...I could go on and on…but all of these people have had one thing in common talent and giftedness in the arts and in leading worship…I learned many things from every single one of them…as I found my self responsible for leading all my experience in dealing with leadership on the receiving end until now even reading this chapter in this book has and is helping shape me into the kind of leader God is calling me to be…and I’m thankful for that…being a leader of people is no easy task…but as our ultimate leader says…all things are possible as long as we are doing it through Him and His strength not our own...weather your the leader or the one being lead...
Thank you Lord for Your promises.

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