
It's a Choice...

One of the many, many things I love about God is that He is a God of choices. He doesn't force Himself on us.

Today I have a worrisome heart... My stomach has a knot in it, I'm uncertain, concerned. So I am choosing at this moment to cast my cares upon Him. Minute by minute or even second by second.

God I choose you! I choose your peace! I choose Your direction and I have faith that you will be faithful...amen



Kimberly said...

Brandi, my DIL & I were just discussing this same thing this morning. Casting our cares on Him & knowing He will be faithful. Circumstance may tell us one thing but His word says quite another. Praying for you my friend. Like you,I will choose peace. I will choose His direction. I will choose to totally trust Him to be faithful. Thank you for sharing your heart. <3 U

Brandi said...

Love you Kim... I hope we get to see each other again before heaven I truly do <3

Leslie said...

you know I am praying for you!! i love ya

Rhonda said...

I'm praying for you this morning.

Anonymous said...


I am right there with you girl. I choose God. I know that we have not seen each other for years and don't talk much now, but I want you to know that I cherish you, Your love for God, and your family, your honesty, your creativity. What a blessing you are to me. God truly is using you my friend. I am lifting you up today.

Brandi said...

Thank you SO much all of you! I have felt your prayers today...You are all a blessing to me and I love you <3