
If I'm Honest...

If I’m honest I feel required to go deeper than I want to go. As the waves of life pound against my over thinking brain I have no desire to go where they want to take me… I’m not sure why really or if it’s even true. Maybe I do want to go and I’m lying to myself at this very moment.

My life feels full of stops and starts things left undone never quite completing much of anything. I look at where I’ve been and where I wish I was and I get stuck somehow in between.

It’s a frustrating…

It leaves me feeling like I just can’t get the job done… yes, yes, yes I know these are LIES FROM THE PIT OF HELL (said very dramatically)!

Just another storm before the calm I guess fighting the good fight and all.

I heard a fantastic concept of the New Year this morning during our devotion time at work. In regards to the New Year comparing 2011 and 2012 to old and new wine skins and how it is time to cast of the old wine skins start over in our new wine skins be prepared to stretch and grow all over again in new ways in the new year. It sounds lovely and painful.

I think this is the beginning…


Kimberly said...

"Lovely and painful" ... well said my friend ... praying for you. You are not alone. Funny how Satan uses the same ol' lines on everyone, isn't it? ;) He's a liar (Jesus said it!) My book arrived yesterday. I'm looking forward to delving into it today, while the snow flies here in WV. Bbbbrrrrr!

SBethuel said...

Praying for strength in the storm. Miss you friend, we need to catch up soon.

Brandi said...

Thanks for the prayers! Truly I do appreciate them :) I'm so excited your joining me with the book Kim! Can't wait...
Sarah! I know I miss you too... lets get together ya ya ya... do you know what movie that's from??? <3