
Alarm Clock and Cheerio!!!!

Okay...I need to hear your thoughts on this one!!!!! Cheerio will be a Senior starting tomorrow!!!! For the last 12 years I have woken the little princess up for school... Yesterday I informed her that she would be setting her own alarm and getting her self up this year... Whoa you would have thought I told her she was going to have to get a perm on pink rods before school started!!!! She is reeling from the news... "big daddy" told her "it's time to get off the breast and stand on her own two feet" she didn't see the humor... "practical mama" is saying hey you're going to be in college after this year and your going to have to start doing this on your own... but the "mama omgosh my baby girl is going to be a senior" is sayin... is it really that big of a deal??? What do you think? Alarm or no alarm what would you do????

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Girl, I only have history from which to learn & from my experience with my oldest & his senior year, I'm not sure this is the time to start. In fact, it may ultimately be easier on you to make sure she's up ... Joshua got the worst case of 'Senioritis' & would have seriously not shown up until 2nd period! Well, in his defense it didn't get to be a real problem until football season was over but once there was no practice or coach to be accountable to .. well, let's just say it took his daddy's voice "Son get up!" (in which case he jumped!) ... my voice was totally ineffective! He was always a good student, made great grades, played sports, had lots of friends but I think he figured "Hey, give me a break ... I'm a Senior!" She'll be fine & so will you ... I think with the oldest one is tough on both of you! Good luck girlie! ;)