
My Holy Roller Life: The beginnig

I was born in 1970 to Jim and Bonnie.  On my birth certificate for occupation under my father's name says "Musician" place of employment? The Copa Room in Long Beach California. I laughed when I read that. Yes my dad was a musician and my mom was a singer in the band. For 3 entire years I lived my life as a "flower child". Jim and Bonnie didn't believe they needed a piece of paper to dictate that their love would last forever (stated with dramatic flare). Did I fail to mention? Jim and Bonnie were incense burn'n, funny cigarette love'n hippies, that took showers because my dad is a body cleanliness freak!

While Jim and Bonnie were out in the cover of night scratch'n a living at the club. I was at my caregiver's (babysitter) apartment living a cherished life full of love, bockers (bottles) and the whispers of Jesus being planted in my soul...

stay tuned

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