
Coffee Talk Chit-chat!!!

I LOVE this book...I'm sad that I don't get to go through it with you girls in person...I miss you...I know God is going to reveal Himself through this book to you...and I believe He picked it out for you especially for this time...I hope you are enjoying it so far...and I also hope you follow the blog...and actually comment this time...since I can't be with you it would be nice to hear your thoughts about the book here....
And remember anyone who can't make it to the book club is always more than welcomed to get the book and join us here...I would love that...

soooo Ch. 1 startes like this:

Are You Looking For God?

The friendship of God is with those who fear him' he makes known to them the secrets of his covenant. (Psalm 25:14)

Are you looking for God? Is he only rumored to exist in your world? Is it possible to really know him? If he spoke to you would you recognize his voice? Would he recognize yours?
The pursuit of God is the chase of a lifetime-in fact it's been going on since the day you were born.
The question is, have you been the hunter or the prey?

Doesn't that just make you want to keep reading? It does me...This is the second time I've read this book and it continues to stir a passion with in me to know God more and more...What great questions to ask our selves DAILY...Today How can I look for God...Today will people know he exists in my life...will I hear His voice and know it...when ever I think of hearing his voice and knowing it I think about a time when I was picking up Colton from school...I think he was in 2nd grade and as I was waiting it was just wild and crazy...I'm sure you moms can relate to pick up time at an elementary school...anywho as the bus kids were lining up and the noise was at its peak...I happened to notice a father, obviously a rooky picker upper calling his daughter in this very quiet voice...I looked around to see if I could see to whom he was calling thinking buddy you better kick up the volume if you want to get the job done...but to my surprise at the second call his little angle looked up with an expression that said MY DADDY'S HERE ran to his arms and as they embraced I thought...That is how I want to hear my Daddy God!!! And actually in that moment...I believe I did...
here is one more excerpt for this chapter that I really love and will leave you with...
But sheep, once found, spend the rest of their lives in pursuit of their shepherd, following his lead, listening for his voice.
I sense God's presence not because he decided to "show up," but because I decided to show up.
Sorry just one more thought...as you read these words and something grabs you...respond to it...as quoted in another great book I'm reading Praise Habit by David Crowder, "let your encounter cause something to spill out".

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