
The Heart of The Artist Ch 5

Handling Criticism and How easy are you to work with:

A small tribute to my Parents…Jim and Bonnie Flores

The first picture is about 1 year before my parents became Christ followers…and as the story goes 2 or 3 years before I started ministering with them singing in 3 part harmony…the second is a picture of my parents just after they devoted there entire life to Christ...My dad got his first job that wasn’t playing music in a night club in 1973…and well the rest as they say is history…There has never been a time in my life that has not had music in it…I come from a long line of it…my first recording session memory is me standing on a crate because there was only 1 vocal microphone singing my heart out in the middle of my parents watching the reel-to-reel thinking wow that thing is so cool…as I read through this chapter I couldn’t help but think of my parents and feel thankful…thankful for their wonderful loving stewardship of the gift that God has given me…in the development of this ministry my parents always taught me that a teachable spirit and being coachable is of upmost importance… being flexible, being willing to adapt and going with the flow goes a long way…they have also taught me that being sensitive and respectful to others is incredibly important…and know matter how big or small anyone’s gift is…it is to be valued and taken seriously…they also taught me that constructive criticism is a good thing and necessary…it helps you grow…it can make you a better artist it can also help you see things in a different way…meaning it takes you out of your self and gives you more perspective to add to your own thoughts, style etc…there is another important thing that happens during a time of constructive criticism on both ends…it helps you see into the heart of the giver and the receiver…it helps you get to know that person as an artist and get a glimpse of their artistry and even their insecurities their perceptions…what they are trying to say with that particular expression of that piece…yes taking constructive criticism is not always easy…but as an artist it is inevitable and in my opinion it can be extremely valuable…


Bill S said...

Yes Brandi~ I agree. It helps if the constructive criticism is given in love though. You 3 do have such a talent for music. I love to hear you guys sing! But I must be critical in one point. You simply don't sing enough together! lol. Even your dad's artistic talent with pastels is inpiring. He is the first to be critical of his own work. I am going to take a night class next semester in painting or pastels. I haven't done it since I was a kid. What can I say, I feel inspired. By the way.....I am praying for "Reach"

sharon said...

I love these pictures. You really haven't changed. You still have the same beautiful smile.

Love you guys,

Brandi said...

Ahhhh Thanks guys...thanks for the prayers Bill and go you!!! I love that you are going to take an art class!!! I miss you Sharon...come see us soon...oxoxo

Anonymous said...

Your making us immortial.

Love you my Baby.
