
Monday Prayer

Leave your prayer request, your name, or the name of someone you would like prayer for...I'm praying for you today...
Thank You God for Your faithfulness...thank You for being a magnificent God...thank You that there isn't one thing going on in our lives to big for You to handle...give us faith courage and peace...help us not to get caught up in emotion of circumstance but to know that You are in control of everything...amen

1 comment:

Debra D. said...

Please pray that I will continue to press in to the TRUE power of God that I know is available to us! That I will not let anything or anyone turn me away from the path that he has set me on, for I know that this is where our victory lies!
Pray that his GRACE will sustain me!
I know that He is all I need!!
Love you Brandi, thank you for your prayers!