
Self Talk Soul Talk Ch 7

Calm Down: I Have Stilled and Quieted My Soul:
This chapter talks about going from a cool 0 degrees to a piping hot 150 degrees in nothing flat. Which comes from some serious percolating in your closet...one good thing to do is find out what you are holding on to with all your might that is keeping you from the peace we are promised in Gods word...and laying it or them down at the merciful feet of our creator...
Here are some of my favorite quotes from Ch 7
-Our reactions reveal the temperature inside our thought closet.
-Peace is a quality that can characterize our inner world even while our outer world goes crazy.
-Control over the events of our lives is a pleasant daydream at best and a cruel fantasy at worst. Even so, we all seem ready to embrace the mirage.
-Our trust in God is inextricably linked to our peace from God.
-Peace comes when we loosen our grip and let down our guard before our heavenly Father.
-The world needs the personal peace you can bring to it.
I leave you with this prayer:
Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.
2 Thessalonians 3:16

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