
Self Talk Soul Talk Ch. 5

Tune In Awake, My Soul:
wow this chapter really hit me between the eyes...Jennifer talks about our treasures in this life...the treasures that God has given us or in trusted to us...and how distraction has a tendency to push these treasures to the back of our thought closet and the become unnoticeable by us in the midst of all the other clutter and noise around us or in our closets...ugh...I realized through this chapter that my treasures are being neglected...
Here is what struck me most in this chapter:
Jennifer says: When ever I'm asked to speak somewhere I ask my self:
How does this fit into my purpose? If it doesn't fit I don't do it. Even a good thing can become a distraction if it puts my treasure at the rear of the shelf.
When I'm asked to volunteer for something. I ask my self:
How does this impact my family?
Here are two universal questions to ask your soul in any situation:
Does this allow me to value my treasure?
Does this cause me to treat my treasure with less value?
I have some work to do...and praying to do...

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